Déshabillez-moi... no Truce!

Thursday 17 November 2011

 Or how to get up close and intimate with an installation of works, peel back the layers, go beneath the surface and lay bare the work of the curator...

 From history painting to contemporary photography, from the sculpture of the New Realists to humanist photography, the story of an entire struggle is to be found here. Whether they're concerned with celebrating and commemorating - or, indeed, denouncing -  all the works here engage us in considering the nature of men and artists who are not mere witnesses, but actors. Memory has a duty to fight oblivion.
The room of "resistance" or "revolutions", as it was known during the 2011 installation, showed works by Jacques Réattu, Arman, Ansel Adams, Edward Weston, Frantisek Kollar, Song Chao, Jochen Gerz, Jan Svenungsson and James Guitet.


Assemblage de tenailles, S.D. Arman (1928-2005) © ADAGP, Paris 2013, Ph.ASD